Wednesday, April 20, 2005

no sofá. *

- Sabe uma coisa que adoro?
- Não.
- Ficar desenhando com a ponta do dedo. Assim, no vazio, sabe?
- Sei, mas no vazio mesmo?
- Eu prefiro quando tem um céu azul, com muitas nuvens. Fica mais fácil imaginar cada desenho.
- E o que você mais desenha?
- Ah, isso não importa tanto, já que quando acabo alguma figura, ela nem está mais lá.
- É, faz sentido.
- Desse jeito, nunca ficam feios. Os desenhos. Não ficam expostos, ninguém julga, ninguém critica. Acho melhor assim.
- Sei, realmente, as pessoas se metem muito no desenho dos outros. Mas quase nunca desenham nada.
- Eu desenho.

* para Luciana

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Who's in a bunker? Who's in a bunker? Women and children first. And the children first. And the children. I'll laugh until my head comes off. I'll swallow 'till I burst. Until I burst. Until I

Who's in a bunker? Who's in a bunker? I have seen too much. I haven't seen enough. You haven't seen it. I'll laugh until my head comes off. Women and children first. And children first. And children

Here I'm allowed. Everything all of the time. Here I'm allowed. Everything all of the time

Ice age coming. Ice age coming. Let me hear both sides. Let me hear both sides. Let me hear both. Ice age coming. Ice age coming. Throw it in the fire. Throw it in the fire. Throw it on the

We're not scaremongering. This is really happening. Happening. We're not scaremongering. This is really happening. Happening. Mobiles squirking. Mobiles chirping. Take the money run. Take the money run. Take the money

Here I'm allowed. Everything all of the time. Here I'm allowed. Everything all of the time. Here I'm allowed. Everything all of the time. Here I'm allowed. Everything all of the time

The First of the children. The First of the children. The First of the children.